The Department of Health today (Thursday) published the Crowe Horwath Report on the Role, Training and Career Structures of Public Health Physicians in Ireland.
Review and reform of the Specialty of Public Health Medicine is a key part of ensuring continuous improvement of the health system.
A reformed and strengthened Specialty should contribute to implementation of Sláintecare, the continued development of Healthy Ireland and maintenance of ongoing focus on strengthening clinical governance, ensuring patient safety and achieving integrated care at national and regional levels.
Dr Gabriel Scally, in his report on the National Cervical Screening Programme, made clear that the skills of public health doctors must be more appropriately deployed at the core of all public health programmes so that they contribute at leadership level across the health service.
The recommendations contained within the Crowe Horwath Report have been considered by the Department in the context of both Dr. Scally’s recommendation and ongoing work in relation to Sláintecare. A process of engagement around implementation of these recommendations, including the development of a significantly different operational model for the delivery of public health medicine services, will commence with stakeholders early in 2019.