Most babies develop some kind of skin problem in the first year of life. The pharmacy is often the first port of call for parents, and every year a quarter of Irish children are brought to their GP with a skin issue. Specialised paediatric dermatology clinics all over Ireland deal with more complex
skin problems.
30% of babies in Ireland have had eczema by their second birthday. Eczema is an umbrella term for all forms of eczematous dermatitis, with the most common formbeing ‘atopic dermatitis’. Eczema can cause serious disruption to family life, with itch, sleeplessness, and inflamed skin. Early and effective treatment of eczema is essential for healthy growth and sleep, and to prevent other problems like food allergy or asthma. Treatments include topical steroids, moisturisers, and emollient/antiseptic baths. A small proportion of children have more severe eczema needing immunomodulatory treatment with ultraviolet light, tablets, or injections, under the supervision of a consultant dermatologist.