Irish Pharmacy News recently spoke to Éva Hill Hamilton Clinical Nutritionist, to get her insights into what parents and community pharmacy teams should be aware of when it comes to nutrition in children and babies.
She told us, “The first year of life is a critical period for an infant’s growth and development. Proper nutrition during this time lays the foundation for a strong immune system, healthy digestion, and cognitive development. Pharmacists play an essential role in guiding parents through this journey, offering advice on breastfeeding, supplementation, and dietary choices. This article explores key nutritional needs for infants, common concerns, and best practices for ensuring optimal health.”
The Importance of Nutrition in the First Year
She adds, “Breast milk from a well-nourished mother provides a perfectly balanced combination of proteins, essential fats, and carbohydrates, along with immune-boosting factors that support a healthy gut microbiome. A strong gut microbiome is vital, as it influences digestion, immunity, and even brain function. Vaginal birth, skin-to-skin and breastfeeding promote the growth of beneficial Bifidobacterium species, which help maintain gut balance. Factors such as antibiotics, C-section delivery, early introduction of cow’s milk and processed foods may impact the microbiome balance.
“To support gut health, supplementation with live bacteria (probiotics)—particularly from the Bifidobacterium genus— along with Vitamin D3 should be considered from birth. Products such as VIVIO Junior Tummies Bifibaby Drops offer evidencebased support for an infant’s digestive and immune systems.”
Introducing Solid Foods and Essential Nutrients
At around six months, parents should gradually introduce a variety of solid foods while continuing to provide breast milk or age-appropriate formula. Éva noted that it is recommended to introduce new foods one at a time, with a three-day gap between introductions, to monitor potential allergic reactions.
Key Nutrients for Infant Growth
1. Iron: Essential for cognitive development and oxygen transport in the body. By six months, an infant’s natural iron stores begin to deplete, so dietary sources become crucial. Haem-iron from meats is the most absorbable form and is best given alongside breastmilk and/or formula to enhance absorption. Fortified foods can help, but excessive dairy consumption should be limited, as it can interfere with iron absorption.
2. Long-chain Omega-3 fats (DHA): Critical for brain and vision development. Found in oily fish, nut and seed butters, and egg yolks. Baby fish oil supplements may be considered.
3. Vitamin D: Supports bone health and immune function. Since breast milk may not provide sufficient amounts, all breastfed infants should receive Vitamin D supplements, particularly in northern climates with limited sun exposure. Formula fed babies will receive Vitamin D through formula. Some parents may need support understanding Vitamin D supplementation levels.
4. Probiotics: Aid digestion and immune function.
Live bacteria, particularly Bifidobacteria, help maintain gut health and nutrient absorption.
The Role of Pharmacists in Infant Nutrition
Éva says, “Pharmacists are often the first point of contact for new parents seeking guidance on feeding, supplementation, and common infant health concerns. Their role extends beyond providing treatments to emphasizing preventative care through proper nutrition.”
Advising Parents on Essential Nutrients
Pharmacy teams should educate parents on:
• The importance of a balanced diet and appropriate supplementation for infants.
• Breastfeeding support and choosing nutrient-fortified, hypoallergenic formulas that closely resemble breast milk.
• Iron and Vitamin D supplementation, ensuring that products are free from preservatives and allergens, which can disrupt an infant’s sensitive gut lining.
• Practical weaning guidelines, including exposure to a variety of textures and flavors to encourage diverse eating habits.
Common Nutritional Concerns
“Many parents seek advice about fussy eating, digestive issues, frequent infections, and concerns about their child’s growth. The most common nutrient deficiencies include iron, vitamin A, vitamin D, and zinc, all of which are essential for immune function. Picky eaters, in particular, may miss out on crucial nutrients due to diets high in processed foods and sugars. Pharmacists can guide parents in addressing these gaps by promoting a diverse diet and, if necessary, safe supplementation,” she highlights.
Caution with Over-the-Counter Supplements
“Not all supplements are suitable for infants,” Éva adds. “Safety should always be the top priority, and pharmacists should only recommend clinically tested, well-absorbed, and preservativefree formulations.”
• For infants under six months, fortified formula and safe probiotic and Vitamin D supplements are preferred.
• From one year onward, a high quality, preservative-free liquid multivitamin may be added if dietary intake is inadequate.
When Should Parents Consider Supplementation?
Parents should seek professional advice if their baby:
• Struggles to gain weight or reach developmental milestones.
• Experiences frequent infections, digestive discomfort, or allergies.
• Shows signs of nutrient deficiencies, such as pale skin (iron deficiency) or weak bones (Vitamin D deficiency).
In such cases, a healthcare provider can assess the child’s diet and recommend targeted supplementation to support growth and immune function.
Best Sources of Key Nutrients
• Iron: Breast milk, fortified cereals, well-cooked meats, eggs, nut and seed butters.
• Omega-3 (DHA): Oily fish, egg yolks, nuts and seeds, fish oil supplements.
• Probiotics: Live bacterial supplements (e.g., VIVIO Junior Tummies Bifibaby Drops), fermented dairy (yogurt, kefir), and prebiotic-rich foods.
“During the weaning process, introducing a wide variety of plant and animal foods will help ensure a well-balanced diet. Continued probiotic supplementation can also support digestion and nutrient absorption.”
Final Thoughts
Éva concludes, “Ensuring optimal nutrition during infancy is crucial for lifelong health. Parents may be encouraged to focus on breastfeeding if possible along with gradual food diversification, and safe supplementation where needed, gradual food diversification, and safe supplementation where needed. Pharmacists play a key role in educating families and recommending appropriate nutritional strategies tailored to each child’s needs.
“By fostering early nutritional awareness and healthy eating habits, we can support better growth, immunity, and cognitive development in the next generation.”
References available on request
Éva Hill Hamilton, Clinical Nutritionist
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