A new high strength supplement to support the immune system is now available in leading pharmacies in Ireland. Developed by Solvotrin Therapeutics in Little Island in Cork, Active Immune contains three essential nutrients, Vitamin D, Vitamin C and Zinc in a highly absorbable format to help boost immunity.
Health groups around the world are advocating supplements, Vitamin D in particular, to help support your immune system in the fight against Covid-19. These include the Covit-D Consortium of senior scientists, clinicians and academics who specialise in research into uses and efficacy of Vitamin D.
Here, NPHET recommends that adults spending increased time indoors, those who are housebound, the over 65s, anyone in long-term residential care and people with dark skin pigmentation are among the groups who should take a daily Vitamin D supplement.
Vitamin D has many documented benefits including the support of healthy bones and teeth. It also aids the absorption of calcium from food and is crucial for normal muscle function.
In academic research published last week by TUDA (The Trinity, University of Ulster and Department of Agriculture Study) a low Vitamin D status was shown to increase the likelihood of hospitalisation and the length of stay, in the population aged over 60, in a cross-sectional study of over 3,000 people.
A 2020 report by the Scientific Committee of the Food Safety Authority of Ireland indicates that studies in Ireland show a high frequency of Vitamin D deficiency in older free-living adults, varying from 10% to 44% of the population, which is more pronounced in winter months.
Adults, pregnant women and children aged over 12 years can take one Active Immune capsule daily. The Irish-developed supplement is free from wheat, artificial preservatives, gluten and dairy.
The Sunshine Vitamin
In Ireland lifestyle factors including lack of sun, using sunscreen and too much time indoors affects the body’s ability to produce vitamin D naturally. Vitamin D is linked to general health, skeletal strength and immunity function mainly.
Low Vitamin D has been linked to muscle weakness and brittle bones, according to Galway GP Dr Laura Lenihan.
“Known as ‘the sunshine vitamin’, Vitamin D is essential for the maintenance of normal bones and teeth, as it contributes to normal blood calcium levels. And, as it is a fat-soluble vitamin, it can be stored in the body for a long time”, Dr Lenihan explains.
The core function of Vitamin D is in regulating absorption of calcium and phosphorous and also plays a role in the normal function of the immune system and inflammation responses, according to the GP.
It is difficult to get Vitamin D from foods, so supplementation is sometimes necessary for certain people, including older adults and infants. Sunshine is the most effective means to store D vitamins, but the requirement to expose large areas of the skin to sunshine regularly, without sunblock, is not realistic in Ireland and unwise even in sunnier climates.
One month’s supply of Active Immune high strength Vitamins D, C & Zinc has an RRP of €12.99 and is available in pharmacies across Ireland. It is also available online at https://shop.activeiron.com/ with free delivery and a 10% discount with the code IMMUNE10.
Active Immune is part of the award-winning Active Iron range, also produced by Solvotrin Therapeutics in Cork.