July 25, 2022, The PSI− the Pharmacy Regulator is inviting feedback from pharmacists, those involved in the education and development of pharmacists and others, patients, healthcare professionals and the wider public during a public consultation on proposed revisions to the Core Competency Framework for Pharmacists.
The information obtained will support the pharmacy regulator as part of its final review and revision of the framework, which sets out the competencies expected of pharmacists, underpinning standards for education for pharmacists in Ireland and supporting continuing professional development. The Core Competency Framework also provides a benchmark for other healthcare professionals, policy makers and the public of skills, behaviours and knowledge associated with and to expect from a pharmacist.
The PSI published a Core Competency Framework for Pharmacists in 2013, as part of its regulatory role to assure high standards of education and training are in place in the interest of safe and effective patient outcomes. With input and advice from a range of its stakeholders, the PSI has been undertaking a review of this important document to ensure it remains relevant and fit-for-purpose.
In the context of changes to the Core Competency Framework, the PSI has proposed reducing the number of competency domains (which outline broad areas of responsibility) from six to five, and, reflecting on evolving professional practice, has refined the competencies that describe activities or processes in relation to the overall expectation of each domain.
The complete list of changes proposed are outlined on the PSI website, www.psi.ie and the draft document is available for consideration*. There is supplementary documentation that explains the development process, and a supporting set of examples to aid use of the Framework for pharmacists and pharmacy students.
Options available for providing feedback to the PSI, include an online survey, email or post. The PSI appreciates the contributions of all those who take the time to consider and share their experience, support, and views during the consultation period.
The deadline for making a submission is 18 August. For all details see www.psi.ie.
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